How many servings

The VegPlate servings diagram explains what is a serving, i.e., exactly how many grams corresponds to a serving of grains, legumes, vegetables, etc., for all food groups of VegPlate. Here instead we examine how many servings we should consume depending on our calorie needs.

Tavola apparecchiata verde

The servings are slightly different in the case of pregnancy and lactation, so there are two different tables: one for the general case and the other for pregnancy and lactation.

How many servings: the adult

Values valid for any calorie requirement:
Servings of protein-rich foods per day: 3
Servings of vegetables each day: 6
Porzioni di verdura ogni giorno: 6

For the other food groups, the number of daily servings varies with the calorie requirement according to the following table.

Calories Grains Fruit Nuts Fat (of which
1 of flaxseed
1200 5 1 1 1 47
1400 7 1 1 1 57
1600 8 1,5 1,5 1 52
1800 9 2 2 1 46
2000 10 2,5 2 2 74
2200 11 3 2,5 2 69
2400 12 3 3 2 96
2600 13 3,5 3 3 124
2800 14 4 3 4 152
3000 15 4,5 3 5 179
3200 16 5 3 6 207
3400 17 5 3 7 267
3600 18 5 3 8 326
3800 19 6 3 9 332
4000 20 6 3 9 427

How many servings in pregnancy and lactation: the VegPlate_Mum

Remember that the VegPlate servings diagram explains what is a serving, i.e., exactly how many grams corresponds to a serving of grains, legumes, vegetables, etc., for all food groups of VegPlate.

Values valid for any calorie requirement:
Servings of protein-rich foods per day: 3
Servings of vegetables each day: 6

For the other food groups, the number of daily servings varies with the calorie requirement according to the following table.

Calories Grains Fruit Nuts Fat (of which
1 of flaxseed
1800 9 2 2 2 4
2000 10 2,5 2 3 29
2200 11 3 2 4 57
2400 12 3 2,5 5 39
2600 13 3,5 2,5 6 67
2800 14 4 2,5 7 95
3000 15 4,5 3 8 45
3200 16 5 3 9 72
3400 17 5 3 10 132
3600 18 5,5 3,5 10 127

Furthermore, in the second and third trimesters, and during lactation, additional servings must be added, according to the following instructions.

Second trimester of pregnancy, calories and EXTRA servings

Calories: 260 (including 25 discretionary)
Servings of grains: 0.5
Servings of protein foods: 1.5
Servings of fruit: 1
Serving of nuts 0.5

Third trimester of pregnancy, calories and EXTRA servings

Calories: 500 (including 16 discretionary)
Servings of grains: 1.5
Servings of protein foods: 2
Servings of fruit: 0
Serving of nuts 1

Breastfeeding, calories and EXTRA servings

Calories: 500 (including 31 discretionary)
Servings of grains: 1.5
Servings of protein foods: 1.5
Servings of fruit: 0.5
Serving of nuts 1

Here are some practical tips on how to get the additional servings provided for in the second and third trimesters and during lactation.


Additional servings can be obtained from 1 more serving of pasta, bread or grains, and 15 g of popcorn, rich in zinc (half serving). Other alternatives: cereal bars, biscuits, corn flakes.

Protein foods

Extra servings can be obtained:

  • Increasing the number of servings of legumes and derivatives of soy/seitan (for example a standard 200 g loaf of tofu corresponds to 2.5 servings; 230 g drained canned beans correspond to just a little less than 3 servings).
  • Increasing by one serving the calcium-fortified soy milk (max 2 servings per day).
  • Using legume pâté spread on bread for snacks or to season or as a side dish to first or second courses (1 serving= 80 g cooked).
  • Using sliced vegetables (1 serving = 30 g) or chickpea pancakes (1 serving = 80 g) for snacks.
  • Using seitan ragout or granular dehydrated soy (for the latter, 10 g of dry product correspond to 1 serving of protein foods, since they contain more than 8 g of protein), to season pasta dishes.

Fresh fruit, and nuts

Just add to the daily menu a fruit, or half of a fruit, and 15-30 grams (depending on whether an extra half or entire serving is needed) of nuts or oilseeds.

Finally, it is important to read the entire section of special recommendations, both the general indications about omega-3, vitamin D and calcium, and vitamin B12, as well as those specific for pregnancy and lactation.